· Oct 14, 2024

How does VSCode work with multiple IRIS instance on the same server

Hi All,

I'm trying to connect to an IRIS instance using VSCode, the problem is, there are 2 IRIS instances installed on this server, published by the same hostname using https (port 443) under 2 different subfolders (e.g., &

When connecting via studio, I was able to connect by using the hostname (e.g., and specifying the super server port, while when connecting through VSCode, when specifying the web server port 443, the connection is always defaulted to one of the instance.

Is there any way we can specify the instance in VSCode?

Many thanks!

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2023.1.1 (Build 380_0_23477U)
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