· Sep 29, 2024

Run a routine that was created and compiled with %Routine library

I created and then compiled a routine using the %Routine library 

s routine = ##class(%Routine).%New(fileName_"."_extension)
d routine.Write(parsedRule)
//s status = routine.Save()
s status = routine.SaveStream(,.refresh)
if ($$$ISERR(status)) throw status

Now the routine compiles successfully and as a result it is saved on the database.

I can now use from anywhere:

set r = ##class(%Routine).%New("myGeneratedCode.mac")

w r.SizeGet()


and it would output the size.

but for the question: How do i run a method in that file? It is saved on the database and i can't relaly see the path, what class can run this routines methods?



I can see the routine saved on ^rMAC("myRoutineName")

how can i run this MAC?


Product version: IRIS 2019.4
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