· 8 hr ago

General Logging In ObjectScript Classes (forDebugging)

I am trying to log certain program data in my ObjectScript REST class, to track down a bug I have. I am comparing two values at runtime, and one result does one thing, and another a different thing. Since this is a REST API class, I have no way of seeing in real time what the value is to debug. I cannot simply run the method in debug in Studio as it will not run properly being a REST class method, nor have the correct incoming header data to correctly replicate what is happening in the API at runtime when being hit by client apps. In other languages like C# or Java, when I would debug an API method like this, I would put in a line like
logger.Log("debug", {string containing any useful info for debugging the problem}...)
and then hit my services with the client app, run the scenario in question, and then check the logs and see what happened. I cannot figure out how to do this in ObjectScript. I've looked in the documentation for Logging, and all I've found so far are exception logging references, which is not what I'm after. Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do in ObjectScript classes?

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1 (Build 209_0_22699) Mon Aug 14 2023 10:39:13 EDT
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One way to accomplish what you are describing is to use a temporary global:

This allows you to store data in the IRISTEMP database that you can then retrieve like any other global. For example, if I were debugging a piece of code, I could write the following into the relevant Method:

SET ^CacheTempNP($INCREMENT(^CacheTempNP)) = <some debug value>

Then later ZWRITE ^CacheTempNP to see what I have logged.

(Note: In the documentation, we recommend using a global mapping to set up your own naming convention for temporary globals instead of using the ^CacheTemp prefix. While I still recommend doing that if you plan to use temporary globals in non-testing code, just using ^CacheTemp instead is fine for debugging.)