· Jul 29, 2024

Time to vote in the Python Contest

Hi Community,

It's voting time! Cast your votes for the best applications in our Python Contest:


How to vote? Details below.

Experts nomination:

InterSystems experienced jury will choose the best apps to nominate the prizes in the Experts Nomination.

Community nomination:

For each user, a higher score is selected from two categories below:


1st 2nd 3rd
If you have an article posted on DC and an app uploaded to Open Exchange (OEX) 9 6 3
If you have at least 1 article posted on DC or 1 app uploaded to OEX 6 4 2
If you make any valid contribution to DC (posted a comment/question, etc.) 3 2 1



1st 2nd 3rd
VIP Global Masters level or ISC Product Managers 15 10 5
Ambassador GM level 12 8 4
Expert GM level or DC Moderators 9 6 3
Specialist GM level 6 4 2
Advocate GM level or ISC Employees 3 2 1

Blind vote!

The number of votes for each app will be hidden from everyone. Once a day we will publish the leaderboard in the comments to this post. 

The order of projects on the contest page will be as follows: the earlier an application was submitted to the competition, the higher it will be on the list.

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to this post (click on the bell icon) to be notified of new comments.

To take part in the voting, you need:

  1. Sign in to Open Exchange – DC credentials will work.
  2. Make any valid contribution to the Developer Community – answer or ask questions, write an article, contribute applications on Open Exchange – and you'll be able to vote. Check this post on the options to make helpful contributions to the Developer Community.

If you change your mind, cancel the choice and give your vote to another application!

Support the application you like!

Note: contest participants are allowed to fix the bugs and make improvements to their applications during the voting week, so don't miss and subscribe to application releases!

Discussion (5)6
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Hi Developers!

Since the beginning of the voting, we have the following results:

Community Nomination, Top 5

  1. iris-RAG-Gen by @Muhammad Waseem 
  2. ServiceInspection by @Wolis Oliavr
  3. irislab by @Dmitry Maslennikov 
  4. sheltershare by @Zeljko Sucic 
  5. iris-errors-analysis-graph by @Lucas Fernandes

➡️ Voting is here.

Expert Nomination, Top 3

  1. irislab by @Dmitry Maslennikov
  2. iris-RAG-Gen by @Muhammad Waseem 
  3. sheltershare by @Zeljko Sucic 

➡️ Voting is here.

Experts, we are waiting for your votes!

Hey Devs!

Here are the results at the moment!

Community Nomination, Top 5

  1. iris-RAG-Gen by @Muhammad Waseem 
  2. irislab by @Dmitry Maslennikov 
  3. sqlzilla by @Henrique Dias 
  4. sheltershare by @Zeljko Sucic 
  5. IRIS RAG App by @Alex Alcivar 

➡️ Voting is here.

Expert Nomination, Top 3

  1. sheltershare by @Zeljko Sucic  
  2. irislab by @Dmitry Maslennikov 
  3. sqlzilla by @Henrique Dias 
  4. iris-RAG-Gen by @Muhammad Waseem
  5. IRIS RAG App by @Alex Alcivar 

➡️ Voting is here.

Don't forget to use Technological Bonuses for your apps and gain more points!


There is only one day left to the end of the voting period!

Community Nomination, Top 5

  1. sqlzilla by @Henrique Dias  
  2. iris-RAG-Gen by @Muhammad Waseem 
  3. sheltershare by @Zeljko Sucic 
  4. irislab by @Dmitry Maslennikov
  5. IRIS RAG App by @Alex Alcivar 

➡️ Voting is here.

Expert Nomination, Top 3

  1. sqlzilla by @Henrique Dias
  2. ServiceInspection by @Wolis Oliavr
  3. iris-RAG-Gen by @Muhammad Waseem 
  4. IRIS-production-chat-robot by @Ste Sharma
  5. irislab by @Dmitry Maslennikov 

➡️ Voting is here.

Keep voting!
Our participants need your support!