· May 4 3m read

Using VECTORs in ObjectScript

Most examples I've seen so far in OEX or DC left the impression that VECTORs
are just something available with SQL with the 3 Functions especially around VECTOR_Search.

There is a very useful summary hidden in iris-vector-search demo package.
From there you find everything you need over several links and corners.

I was missing more VECTOR methods and placed a related request in Idea Portal

Next I remembered that every SQL Method  or procedure lives on a bunch of ObjectScript code
So I went to search for it an this is the summary of the research.

%Library.Vector is the core description of the new DataType
It's a complex structure like Objects or %DynamicObjects or $Bit Expressions that require specific access methods
We also see 2 required parameters: 
* DATATTYPE  - once set can't be changed.
  Accepted types:  "integer" (or "int"), "double", "decimal", "string", and "timestamp".
* LEN  >0 , may grow bur never shrink

$vector() / $ve()  is the basic method for Vector access
Assign Vector Data  >>>  SET $VE(. . .) = val
Return Vector Data  >>>  WRITE $VE(. . .) ,  SET var=$VE(. . .) 
  HINT: a single position returns the value, but position from::to returns another Vector !
Delete Vector Data  >>>  KILL $VE(. . .) 
All 3 require at least 1 Position parameter. You may understand this as dimensions.

$isvector() the obvious check for correct format before jumping into operations. 

$vectorop() / $vop() covers all other functions related to vectors
The call parameters are typically (operation, vector)
Some operations offer an optional bitexpr. It marks positions/dimensions to be ex-/in-cluded.
- Think of a 3D vector. you just want to operate on x - and y axis and not to z 

Single Vector Operations

Aggregate Operations
 * "count"
 * "max"
 * "min"
 * "sum"
Filter Operations
 * "defined"
 * "undefined"
 * "<"
 * "<="
 * ">"
 * ">="
 * "="
 * "!="
 * "between"
Numeric Operations
 * "+"
 * "-"
 * "/"
 * "*"
 * "**"
 * "#"
 * "e-"
 * "e/"
 * "ceiling"
 * "floor"
String Operations
 * "_"
 * "e_"
 * "lower"
 * "upper"
 * "substring"
 * "trim"
 * "triml"
 * "trimr"
Grouping Operations
 * "group"
 * "countgb"
Miscellaneous Operations
 * "convert"
 * "length"
 * "mask"
 * "positions"
 * "set"
Informative Operations
 * "bytesize"
 * "type"

Multi Vector Operations  (mostly 2 vectors)

Vector-wise Filter Operations
 * "v<"
 * "v<="
 * "v>"
 * "v>="
 * "v="
 * "v!="
Vector-wise Arithmetic Operations
 * "v+"
 * "v-"
 * "v/"
 * "v*"
 * "v**"
 * "v#"
Vector Concatenation
 * "v_"
Vector Grouping
 * "countg"
 * "maxg"
 * "ming"
 * "sumg"
Vector Merge
 * "vset"

You see there is a rich set of tools already available.
If you study docs in details, the purpose or advantage of the results may
not be evident immediately. 

Though I hope you got an overview of what is available now.

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