· Dec 6, 2023

How to access a property from a collection in business rule

Hi Community, 

We are trying to filter message created using custom xml class in a business rule.  

HL7 ORU Result messages are converted to custom xml messages with a list properties .Result ORU converted to OrderResultMsg , which contains property Orders as list of Order which contains ResultStatus .  Please see below the class extract.  We are trying to access the ResultStatus property to filter non-final results via business rule. 

Class CDM.OrderResultMsg Extends Ens.Request

Property MSHSendApplication As %String;

Property MSHSendFacility As %String; 
<<Code truncated>>

Property Orders As list Of CDM.Order;

<<Code truncated>>


Class CDM.Order Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Property OrderControl As %String;

Property PlacerOrderNumber As %String;

Property FillerOrderNumber As %String;

Property ResultStatus As %String;

<<code truncated>>


We can get collection directly in code using ..Orders.GetAt(1).ResultStatus

In rule we tried to use Document.Orders. but haven't find a way to access the list property.  






Product version: IRIS 2021.1
Discussion (5)2
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