· Feb 9, 2024 6m read

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part XII: Dynamic Inactivity Timeouts

Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.
Today, we continue talking about Interoperability, specifically monitoring your Interoperability deployments. If you haven't yet, set up Alerting for all your Interoperability productions to get alerts about errors and production state in general.

Inactivity Timeout is a setting common to all Interoperability Business Hosts. A business host has an Inactive status after it has not received any messages within the number of seconds specified by the Inactivity Timeout field. The production Monitor Service periodically reviews the status of business services and business operations within the production and marks the item as Inactive if it has not done anything within the Inactivity Timeout period.
The default value is 0 (zero). If this setting is 0, the business host will never be marked Inactive, no matter how long it stands idle.

This is an extremely useful setting since it generates alerts, which, together with configured alerting, allows for real-time notifications about production issues. Business Host being idle means there might be some issues with production, integrations, or network connectivity worth looking into.
However, Business Host can have only one constant Inactivity Timeout setting, which might generate unnecessary alerts during known periods of low traffic: nights, weekends, holidays, etc.
In this article, I will outline several approaches towards dynamic Inactivity Timeout implementation. While I do provide a working example (currently running in production for one of our customers), this article is more of a guideline for building your own dynamic Inactivity Timeout implementation, so don't consider the proposed solution as the only alternative.


The interoperability engine maintains a special HostMonitor global, which contains each Business Host as a subscript and a timestamp of the last activity as a value. Instead of using Inactivity Timeout, we will monitor this global ourselves and generate alerts based on the state of the HostMonitor. HostMonitor is maintained regardless of the Inactivity Timeout value being set - it's always on.


To start with, here's how we can iterate the HostMonitor global:

Set tHost=""
For { 
  Set tHost=$$$OrderHostMonitor(tHost) 
  Set lastActivity = $$$GetHostMonitor(tHost,$$$eMonitorLastActivity)

To create our Monitor Service, we need to perform the following checks for each Business Host:

  1. Decide if the Business Host is under the scope of our Dynamic Inactivity Timeout at all (for example, high-traffic hl7 interfaces can work with the usual Inactivity Timeout).
  2. If the Business Host is in scope, we need to calculate the time since the last activity.
  3. Now, based on inactivity time and any number of conditions (day/night time, day of week), we need to decide if we do want to send an alert.
  4. If we want to send an alert record, we need to record the Last Activity time so that we won't send an alert twice.

Our code now looks like this:

Set tHost=""
For { 
  Set tHost=$$$OrderHostMonitor(tHost) 
  Set lastActivity = $$$GetHostMonitor(tHost,$$$eMonitorLastActivity)
  Set tDiff = $$$timeDiff($$$timeUTC, lastActivity)
  Set tTimeout = ..GetTimeout(tDayTimeout)
  If (tDiff > tTimeout) && ((lastActivityReported="") || ($system.SQL.DATEDIFF("s",lastActivityReported,lastActivity)>0)) {
    Set tText = $$$FormatText("InactivityTimeoutAlert: Inactivity timeout of '%1' seconds exceeded for host '%2'", +$fn(tDiff,,0), tHost)
    Do ..SendAlert(##class(Ens.AlertRequest).%New($LB(tHost, tText)))
    Set $$$EnsJobLocal("LastActivity", tHost) = lastActivity

You need to implement InScope and GetTimeout methods, which will actually hold your custom logic, and you're good to go.
In my example, there are Day Timeouts (which might be different for each Business Host, but with a default value) and Night Timeout (which is the same for all tracked Business Hosts), so the user needs to provide the following settings:

  • Scopes: List of Business Host names (or parts of names) paired with their custom DayTimeout value, one per line. Only Business Hosts that are in scope (satisfy $find(host, scope) condition for at least one scope) would be tracked. Leave empty to monitor all Business Hosts. Example: OperationA=120
  • DayStart: Seconds since 00:00:00, after which a day starts. It must be lower than DayEnd. I.e. 06:00:00 AM is 6*3600 = 21600
  • DayEnd: Seconds since 00:00:00, after which a day ends. It must be higher than DayStart. I.e. 08:00:00 PM is (12+8)*3600 = 72000
  • DayTimeout: Default timeout value in seconds to raise alerts during the day.
  • NightTimeout: Timeout value in seconds to raise alerts during the night.
  • WeekendDays: Days of Week which are considered Weekend. Comma separated. For Weekend, NightTimeout applies 24 hours a day. Example: 1,7 Check the date's DayOfWeek value by running: $SYSTEM.SQL.Functions.DAYOFWEEK(date-expression). By default, the returned values represent these days: 1 — Sunday, 2 — Monday, 3 — Tuesday, 4 — Wednesday, 5 — Thursday, 6 — Friday, 7 — Saturday.

Here's the full code, but I don't think there's anything interesting in there. It just implements InScope and GetTimeout methods. You can use other criteria and adjust InScope and GetTimeout methods as needed.


There are two issues to speak of:

  • No yellow icon for Inactive Business Hosts (since the host's InactivityTimeout setting value is zero).
  • Out-of-host setting - developers need to remember to update this custom monitoring service each time they add a new Business Host and want to use dynamic inactivity timeouts.


I explored these approaches before implementing the above solution:

  1. Create the Business Service that changes InactivityTimeout settings when day/night starts. Initially, I tried to go this route but encountered a number of issues, mainly the requirement to restart all affected Business Hosts every time we changed the InactivityTimeout setting.
  2. In the custom Alert processor, add rules that, instead of sending the alert, suppress it if it's nightly InactivityTimeout. But an inactivity alert from Ens.MonitorServoce updates the LastActivity value, so from a Custom Alert Processor, I don't see a way to get "true" last activity timestamp (besides querying Ens.MessageHeader, I suppose?). And if it’s "night" – return the host state to OK, if it’s not nightly InactivityTimeout yet and suppress the alert.
  3. Extending Ens.MonitorService does not seem possible except for OnMonitor callback, but it serves another purpose.


Always configure alerting for all your Interoperability productions to get alerts about errors and production state in general. If static Inactivity timeout is not enough you can easily create a dynamic implementation.


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