Discussion (3)1
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I have an (some ten years old) one which I use in the %ZSTART routine. Sometimes (for maintenance or whatever other reasons) you have to (re)start Cache and nowdays IRIS, but you want to start just some of the automatic processes listed in %ZSTART. If you forgot to disable those other before shutdown a init-file comes handy to disable things before start. A sample section looks like this:

# 0 = do not start
# 1 = start
LoginServer = 1
UserLogin = 0
SystemTasks = 1
UserTasks = 0

I added some more comments to the class, you can download the InitFile.xml (class export) from my FTP server (which will be open for the next few days).

Addr: ftp.kavay.at
User: dcmember
Pass: member-of-DC

Ended up with this implementation:


/// do ##class().INIToLocal(,.ini)
ClassMethod INIToLocal(file, Output ini) As %Status
	#dim sc As %Status = $$$OK
	kill ini
	set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
	do stream.LinkToFile(file)
	set section = ..#NOSECTION
	while 'stream.AtEnd {
		set line = stream.ReadLine()
		set line=$zstrip(line, "<>w")
		if $e(line)="[" {
			set section = $e(line, 2, *-1)
		} else {
			set key = $zstrip($p(line, "="), "<>w")
			set value = $zstrip($p(line, "=", 2, *), "<>w")
			set ini(section, key) = value
	kill stream
	quit sc

/// do ##class().LocalToINI(.ini)
ClassMethod LocalToINI(ByRef ini, file) As %Status
	merge iniTemp = ini
	#dim sc As %Status = $$$OK
	set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
	do stream.LinkToFile(file)
	set section = ..#NOSECTION
	set key=$o(iniTemp(section, ""),1,value)
	while (key'="") {
		do stream.WriteLine(key _ "=" _ value)
		set key = $o(iniTemp(section, key),1,value)
	do stream.WriteLine()
	kill iniTemp(section)
	set section=$o(iniTemp(""))	
	while (section'="") {
		do stream.WriteLine("[" _ section _ "]")
		set key=$o(iniTemp(section, ""),1,value)
		while (key'="") {
			do stream.WriteLine(key _ "=" _ value)
			set key = $o(iniTemp(section, key),1,value)
	 	set section = $o(iniTemp(section))
	 	do stream.WriteLine()
	set sc = stream.%Save()	
	kill stream, iniTemp
	quit sc