· Feb 2, 2022

HealthShare: Feeding Data to HSHI but de-prioritizing demographic data for certain Facility

I have an SDA feed from an Edge server that eventually is fed into HSHI / Analytics. This edge server is loading up patient demographics (in the Patient object), which feeds the HSAA.Patient table in HSHI / Analytics.  

However, we have other edge servers also feeding into the same HSHI database, and these other edge servers have better demographic information.  

HSHI appears to use the most recent demographic information from all edges.  What's the best way to de-prioritize patient demographic information from this particular edge (or this particular Facility) when feeding it into HSHI?


I'm thinking of a few options:

1. Use the Address.FromTime and .ToTime set to dates in the past to make this Address information "older" that other address info from other edges and Facilities.

2. Add an extension property to the ADdress - Patient.Address.Extension.Type = "FLAG" so that we can filter out an address when querying Analytics


I've heard that other custom code in HSHIFEEDER is frowned upon.

Has anyone done this before?



Product version: HealthShare 2019.1
Discussion (2)1
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