· Jul 28, 2021

Cleaning up null elements from JSON payload

Hello All,

I am just wondering if there is any inbuilt function or utility available in IRIS to clean up "null" elements from JSON e.g. I want to remove "null" elements from payload below before I do any processing with it.


recipients: [ 

{ "name":"Utsavi", "email":""},

{ "name":"Utsavi 1", "email":""},

null, null


content:[null, {"title":"Test.pdf", "data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"} ]


Thanks & Regards,


Product version: IRIS 2021.1
Discussion (10)0
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I think this may help

ClassMethod CleanNull(json As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject
  Set iter = json.%GetIterator()
  Set toRemove = ""
  While iter.%GetNext(.key, .value) {
    Set type = json.%GetTypeOf(key)
    If (type="null") {
      Set toRemove = toRemove _ $Listbuild(key)
    ElseIf (type="object")||(type="array") {
      Set $Property(json, key) = ..CleanNull(value)
  Set ptr = 0, corr = 0
  While $Listnext(toRemove, ptr, key) {
    Do json.%Remove(key - corr)
    set corr = corr + 1
  Return json

And Testing metho

ClassMethod TestJSON()
  set json = {
    "recipients": [ 
      { "name":"Utsavi", "email":""},
      { "name":"Utsavi 1", "email":""},
      null, null
    "content":[null, {"title":"Test.pdf", "data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"} ]
  Set result = ..CleanNull(json)
  Do result.%ToJSON()

Will return this

{"recipients":[{"name":"Utsavi","email":""},{"name":"Utsavi 1","email":""}],"content":[{"title":"Test.pdf","data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"}]}

Just create a simple method like this:

ClassMethod RemoveNull(obj)
   set iter=obj.%GetIterator()
   while iter.%GetNext(.key,.val) {
   if $isobject(val) { do ..RemoveNull(val) } elseif obj.%GetTypeOf(key)="null" { do obj.%Remove(key) }

gives you

set json={"recipients": [{ "name":"Utsavi", "email":""},{ "name":"Utsavi 1", "email":""},null, null],"content":[null, {"title":"Test.pdf", "data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"} ]}

write json.%ToJSON() --> {"recipients":[{"name":"Utsavi","email":""},{"name":"Utsavi 1","email":""},null,null],"content":[null,{"title":"Test.pdf","data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"}]}

write ##class(some.class).RemoveNull(json) --> {"recipients":[{"name":"Utsavi","email":""},{"name":"Utsavi 1","email":""},null],"content":[{"title":"Test.pdf","data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"}]}

USER>set json = [0,1,2]                                                                                     

USER>set json = [0,1,2], iter = json.%GetIterator()

USER>while iter.%GetNext(.key, .val){ write !,"[",key,"]=",val do:key=0 json.%Remove(key) }

USER>zw json
json=[1,2]  ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY>

And even with %Remove will not reach subsequent items