· Nov 23, 2020

InterSystems Interoperability Contest: WINNERS!

Hey Developers,

The InterSystems Interoperability Contest is over. Thank you all for participating in our exciting coding marathon!

And now it's time to announce the winners! 


A storm of applause goes to these developers and their applications:

🏆 Experts Nomination  - winners were determined by a specially selected jury:

🥇 1st place and $2,000 go to the Open API Client Gen project by @Lorenzo Scalese

🥈 2nd place and $1,000 go to the OCR Service project by @Yuri Marx

🥉 3rd place and $250 go to the IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer project by @Henrique Dias

🥉 3rd place and $250 go to the interoperability-integratedml-adapter project by @José Pereira

🏆 Community Nomination - an application that received the most votes in total:

🥇 1st place and $1,000 go to the OCR Service project by @Yuri Marx

🥈 2nd place and $500 go to the IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer project by @Henrique Dias

🥉 3rd place and $250 go to the Open API Client Gen project by @Lorenzo Scalese

Congratulations to all the participants! 

Thank you for your attention to the contest and the efforts you pay in this exciting coding competition! 

And what's next?

We've already announced the next competition for InterSystems developers! 

Please join the InterSystems Analytics Contest kicking off December 7th!

Stay tuned for more details! 

Discussion (4)0
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I'm really very happy to be the community winner and the 2nd in the experts votes. I participated in 4 past contests, and now, in my preferred topic, interoperability, I won. 

Thanks all DC team to organize, support and do the better IT contest in the market. The iris contests help to the community to knows better the IRIS features and how to use it to solve important problems.

Many fantastic apps were created and enrich the OEX catalog with samples to the intersystems clients. These contest samples and apps also helped IRIS PMers to see how the market uses  the IRIS features and got more collaboration with the advanced IRIS users and developers. 

I see only positive aspects in the IRIS contests. I hope the contests to be continue in 2021!

And I see you in the december contest, about analytics. I know will be my app already. It will be great!

Thanks again! Thanks to the each vote that I got. You are my fuel to do more articles, apps and contribute to the InterSystems and community efforts.