· Jan 6, 2020

Is it possible to add an arbitrary key-value pair (property) into ^UnitTest.results?

Wondering whether it's possible to get %UnitTest to output an arbitrary key-value pair (a new property) into ^UnitTest.results ?



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Could code within the unit test class set these additional fields in the new mapping table programatically?   

Sure, same as with any other object/table.

To get the Unit Test result ID anywhere in the tests call:

set id = $get(^UnitTest.Result,0)+1

Note, that I assume you're running only one test suite at a time. If that's not the case, you'll need to implement OnAfterSaveResult callback (preferable solution anyway) and ID would be available at that time as LogIndex poroperty.

looking at aggregating/classifying their results

This might be easier solved externally to unit tests themselves - by a separate task for example.

Not sure exactly what you're asking for...

You can add additional properties to your custom unit test class (inheriting from %UnitTest.TestCase) and use them to share data between the methods in the class. But this doesn't show up automatically in the results.

You can use the $$$LogMessage macro to display whatever you want in the results, but this is just text, not a new property.

do $$$LogMessage(key _ ":" _ value)