· Dec 16, 2019

Can an inbound file service pick up a file based on all wildcards? (FileSpec field)

 the file being created on the FTP server will have a format that includes the current date I would like to pull this file off the FTP while ignoring other files on the same location.

Inbound Service Class




I would like to find the file on the FTP that is being created using Todays date. But it appears that the wildcard are not recognizing the file format:

Example below. This will not pull the file "ErrorFile_20191216.txt"  off the FTP but it should. Should I be using custom code or can utilize  something built in to do this. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

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If you could provide a little more detail on your use case, there may be a solution that doesn't involve developing a custom service.

For example, you could configure the service with a filename pattern that would retrieve all matching files in the target path, but discard, via a routing rule, any that do not meet the date criteria. The name of the file should be available in the Source property of the message object.