· Dec 27, 2018

FHIR Documentation/tutorials

Is there any good documentation/tutorials on creating gateways in both directions between FHIR and Hl7v2 (for Health Connect)?

the scenarios I'm most interested in

1. Client application sends a FHIR demographic query to Health Connect - and the interface has to convert this to Hl7v2 QBP^Q11 message to the PAS.

2. Health connect sends a PDF document (from a file or HL7v2 interface) to an EPR over FHIR.




We are using Health Connect  15.03 - Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.03.9901 + Linkage Engine:15.03.9901]

There hasn't been a HealthShare Connect release on HS Core 16.

Discussion (5)0
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>Could you provide more information on what you want to do with the PDF?

Newer vendors want to interface with the FHIR standard, but older systems are typically using Filedrops or HL7v2.4 MDM^T01 to send PDF documents.  I'm being asked to forward documents from old systems to new systems, hence the necessity to create FHIR interfaces.


The 'About Health Connect FHIR® Support' in the inbuilt HealthConnect documentation states 'The FHIR object model: Implements all FHIR DSTU 2 (1.0.2) resources.', but makes no mention of FHIR STU 3: http://your-server-here:57772/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=FOVW_fhir#FOVW_fhir_intro

Please note the Health Connect product page specifically states it supports FHIR STU3:

‘In addition to supporting FHIR STU3 and DSTU2, Health Connect conforms to IHE standards and supports HL7 Version 2, HL7 Version 3, CDA® and CCD®, C-CDA®, DICOM, X12, ADHA (Australia), ASTM, DMP (France), EDIFACT, ITK (United Kingdom), NCPDP, and xDT (Germany).’ []