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Are you looking for full ssh/bash access into the container, or would an interactive InterSystems Terminal session? To run SQL shell or other database specific commands?

Full ssh is difficult as it opens up potential security issues.  The InterSystems Terminal would be possible.  We have a web accessible version that is in testing right now that we could add.

If you clarify what you are looking to do, we can see what meets the needs best.


Good news, we have updated the Direct Access to InterSystems IRIS container to include a terminal link in the management portal.

When you get launch your InterSystems IRIS instance, you will get a set of links to that instance.  Use the Management Portal link and log in with the username/password provided.

Then on the home page of the management portal, you will see a "Terminal" link in the "Links" section.  When you click on that link, you will need to enter the username/password again, but then will be in an interactive terminal session that defaults to the USER namespace.  This is the same as an iris session iris -U USER at the shell, or the "Terminal" menu option in the launcher.

Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or request as we want to make it easy to test out and learn InterSystem IRIS functionality.