· Apr 20, 2018

Add custom template at the template menu


I would like to add my favourite template at the template menu (Studio): Tools→Templates→Template 1

But I'm unable to find how to do it.



Discussion (8)2
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Hi John,

You understood me well.

But it's curious, after to run a Template, the list is never populated. I see always "Template 1", nevertheless , my "Add in" menu is populated...

I have searched the name using regedit

Add list is there:

Equipo\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\InterSystems\Cache Studio\Recent Add Ins List

I can see also "Recent Template List n" from 0 to 6

Equipo\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\InterSystems\Cache Studio\Recent Template List n

If you have something there, can you tell me the format, please ?

I will try to add it into my register

