· Dec 20, 2017

Business Operation SOAP WebClient


I create a WebService in Machine One, with some process, i tested this webservice with SOAPUI, worked.

After that i create a simple Business Operation, SOAP Adapter, based on WebClient created with SOAP Wizzard, the problem with that is on response var, i have empty var on my operation, somebody have some Ideas ? 

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Set tSC = $System.Status.OK()
    Set tRequest = ##class(PortalPaciente.s0.ConsultaPaciente1).%New()
    Set tResponse = ##class(PortalPaciente.s0.InformacionPaciente).%New()
    Set pResponse = ##class(PortalPaciente.Msg.OInformacionPaciente).%New()
    Set tRequest.RUT = pRequest.RUT
    Set tSC = ..Adapter.InvokeMethod("ConsultaPaciente",.tResponse,tRequest)
    if '$IsObject(tResponse)
        Set tSC = $System.Status.Error(5001,"The method ConsultaPaciente did not return anything!")
    Set pResponse.EstadoConsulta = tResponse.EstadoConsulta
    Set tSC = tException.AsStatus()
Quit tSC