· Sep 12, 2017

? Where/How can we touch IRIS ?

As IRIS was announced yesterday by Paul Grabscheid I would be highly interested to get in touch with it.

- How can we get qualified for a closer view ? 
- Where can we get some (preliminary) description + documentation.
- Is there any FT available ?

 I'm especially interested in the areas around included/embedded/attached JVM and SPARK .



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Hi Robert,

glad you liked Paul's announcement. Global Summit attendees can pre-register for the limited release program in the Tech Exchange area, at the central booths. After the summit, we'll gradually broaden that program and publish a Field Test closer to the end of this calendar year.

You can find a lot more about the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform on our new website and through this resource guide at Stay tuned for more articles on the various new features here too.

