· Nov 1, 2016

Connect Cache client to GT.M database

Does anyone know how to connect a Cache client to a GT.M database?  I recently installed Osehra VistA on my PC and it uses GT.M, but we're supposed to use Cache Studio to develop.  I tried adding a server to Cache (specifying 2222 as the port) and I get an "access denied" error.  Port  2222 is the correct port which I use for for VirtuaBox and I have no problem connecting to VistA.  I also tried going into the Management Portal to set up a local connection but this isn't working.  There are some sites that say the products 'nodem' or 'node.js' are necessary, but I'm not sure how these fit in with Cache.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!




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Studio is an Intersystems provided tool to edit routines/classes/xml/ etc. used in Caché systems, it isn't a general purpose editor.

If you have a valid Caché system, you could pull up the GT.M routine in a linux editor like pico/nano, copy the entire routine into the clipboard, then paste into a new .MAC routine in Studio for editing, then when done, copy/paste back into nano and save.  A lot of effort that doesn't add any value.

I highly recommend Serenji if you are going to edit/manage M systems on multiple vendor platforms, it is very good.
