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In a recent benchmark test of an application based on InterSystems Caché, a sustainable rate of 8.9million database accesses/second, with peaks of 16.9 million database accesses/second, was achieved. These results were from a test performed on a connected system of eight applications servers, using Intel Xeon 5570 processors, and running Linux as the operating system. This benchmark shows that:

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· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Caché for MultiValue Developers

InterSystems has implemented a broad set of MultiValue extensions for its Caché multidimensional database. These extensions enable the migration of MultiValue applications to Caché and bring the full range of Caché object and SQL development technologies to MultiValue developers. The result: your existing MultiValue investments are preserved, you gain a broad spectrum of highly scalable deployment options, and your developers can combine the best of MultiValue, object, relational, and technologies to extend existing applications and build new ones.

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· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Case Studies in Performance

Executive Summary

The best way to compare the performance of database products is in a head-to-head test using a real application, preferably one of your own. This is especially true when evaluating Caché's post-relational technology, because "standard" transaction processing benchmarking methodologies assume the restrictive "row and columns" format of a relational database. They cannot accurately predict the performance of real applications, which often use complex data models.

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With the maturation and wide acceptance of Java, object-oriented programming has moved to the foreground of the application development landscape. Because of their rich data models and support for productivity-enhancing concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, object technologies like Java, C++, and COM, are favored by today's application developers.

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Customers who switch to Caché from relational databases report that their average performance is up to 20 time faster, running on the same hardware, with no changes to the application. What is it about Caché that lets applications run so fast?

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Because of increasing business and governmental pressures to integrate their operations, the financial services industry is developing a number of standards for data exchange and other common functions. Standards such as XBRL, FpML, MDDL, RIXML, and FIXML are all specialized dialects of XML (Extensible Markup Language). Any financial services application with good support for XML will be able to communicate effectively using one or more of the emerging industry standards.

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InterSystems encourages the adoption of a flexible, practical approach to application development, rather than strict adherence to one of the prevalent development theories. This paper offers advice based upon our experience. However needs, attitudes, and styles vary; we recommend that each programmer choose the development approach that works best for them. Caché supports a wide range of development methodologies, not just those recommended here.

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