I am very new to IRIS. We are developing a PHP application that connects to an IRIS instance of one of our vendors. I am having trouble with a specific table. When I need to query this specific table for specific fields, I am receiving an error. However, if I change the call to get all columns (`*`), there is no error. I get 37K records returned.


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,310 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I'm dealing with a situation that leaves in doubt what I understand about CACHE.WIJ (C:\Roche\CobasInfinity\HealthShare\mgr)..
Journal files store records already written to the base.. and CACHE.WIJ records not yet written to the base..
theoretically, the data contained in CACHE.WIJ is temporary... until the record is written to the base (consequently generating journal).

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· Oct 23, 2023
Release System Locks

Hi Guys,

We currently for reason I'm getting too many locks in the system (around 990 locks) and is making the system slow

most of these locks are on globals

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We would like to know how to get the Row Count of the SELECT query. We query external database via ODBC connection.

//tSQL- is a select query.

Set tStatus = ..Adapter.ExecuteQuery(.tResult,tSQL)

We are trying to get the row count of the retrieved records as below; but It doesn't return any value.


$$$TRACE("Result set returned with "_tResult.%ROWCOUNT_" row(s).")

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Hi Developers,

Dive into the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Working with Containers & InterSystems Technology @ Global Summit 2023

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Hi Friends,

We have a requirement to read pdf text in ensemble object script code. As object script doesn't have direct solution , i tried to implement python code , but

iris 2020 , there is no support for python in object script.

so I have found one java utill using pdfbox api.

Now I have created jar and want to register into iris and want to make a call to mymethod to read pdf text.

please help me to way forward to achieve it.

java code:


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import os

# Get environment variables
db_host = os.getenv('DB_HOST')
db_port = os.getenv('DB_PORT')
db_namespace = os.getenv('DB_NAMESPACE')
db_username = os.getenv('DB_USERNAME')
db_password = os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD')

# Create a database connection
conn = irisnative.createConnection(db_host, db_port, db_namespace, db_username, db_password)

# Create an IRIS instance from this connection
iris_native = irisnative.createIris(conn)

status = iris_native.classMethodValue('%SYSTEM.OBJ', 'Load', 'Production.cls', 'ck')

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0 162

I am making a POST request to an API. In the case of an error, I don't know what parameters the response JSON will contain (they will change depending on the error). I am converting the response stream to an object but then I need a way to loop through all the properties and access their values. The following code is making the POST request, reading the response, and trying to add all the error messages to an array. But I can't iterate over the properties of the tProxy.errors object because it is a %ZEN.proxyObject. Is there a better way to do this?

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Two extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect are now available.

✅ 2022.1.4

Release 2022.1.4 provides bug fixes for any of the previous 2022.1.x releases.

You can find the detailed change lists / upgrade checklists on these pages:

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First of all thanks for your help.

We have developed a REST Operation. We wonder how could we face that String do have a character limit.

We just need to convert httpRequest.HttpResponse , which is a stream , because $isobject(response.Data) returns 1; which has a JSON inside it, and we need to convert it to a Ens.Response.

This response is structured as same as the JSON's properties:

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· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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Our application has a ZEN report that accepts a sorting parameter and a fundraiser parameter. Sorting tells us which order the pages are to be in and the fundraiser limits the data shown (e.g. which user has requested the report)

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to improve care and reduce costs with the HealthShare Care Management Notifications Solution Pack, a fully managed cloud solution from InterSystems.

What is the HealthShare Care Management Notifications Solution Pack

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🧑‍🏫 Course developer: @Kate Lindsay. If you have any comments, please don't hesitate to tag her.

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How can I get an instance of stream which is a successor of %Stream.Object in a method that handles a REST POST request?

#dim request as %CSP.Request = %request
 set content = request.Content

This returns a variable of type %CSP.Stream which is totally useless, because %CSP.Stream does not inherit from %Stream.Object

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0 214

Hi There,

I am having issues trying to obtain a JDBC driver which is backwards compatible with java 6 for a solution which will call my IRIS instance, I have already logged a WRC ticket which is looking unlikely that there will be any development to create a driver for such legacy tech.

The Java 6 app is end of life, however won't be replaced until after my project goes live, hence why I ask the question.

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Could you please help anyone how to import Python package in %SYSTEM package and to use python methods to write in object script class?

I used the following link to install the Python but I can't see the Python package in %SYSTEM package and my program throwing the Class Does not exist error?


Please help on this..

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It's true! QuinielaML has incorporated the most important leagues in Europe (and Brazil) into its prediction service, so, dear members of the Developer Community, wherever you are from, you will be able to have the predictions of your favorite leagues at your disposal.

From the predictions screen you will have access to each of the new leagues included, being able to record the matches for each journey:

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