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I am trying to work with Epic on FHIR. Epic's documentation stated, your application makes a HTTP POST request to the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 token endpoint to obtain access token.

Set tSC = ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAccessTokenClient(pClient,pScopes,.prop,.err) returns

ERROR #9761: No key in provided JWKS for alg ES512 and kid

I check this /csp/sys/oauth2/OAuth2.JWTServer.cls?client_name=medbank and I see this:

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We have error - ERROR #5821: Cannot instantiate query: 'SQLCODE = -146, %msg = Error: '' is an invalid DISPLAY Date value' not able to see what is causing:

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Lnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat, 1,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)-1) End as DemoGuarLastName,

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Fnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)+1,LEN(P.GuarNmIfNotPat)) End AS DemoGUARFIRSTNAME,

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Has anyone tried the Ansible module for qlist in the article "Ansible modules and IRIS demo"?

There appears to be a bug in the qlist code as it assumes that the qlist output has an undocumented field.

I do not have the undocumented field in the output.when I run qlist so I keep getting the error "Unexpected IRIS qlist output format".

I assume that in most cases there is no undocumented field in the output.

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We have a customized doctype with iterated PIDgrp, so I have a rule that needs to evaluate the pv1:3.1 value to decide which operation the HL& message should go, so I debugged the value in the rule and it definitely should go to the when #2 but it just won't. so did I do anything wrong or it is just the InterSystems doesn't like the iteration value here? I only need to evaluate the first pv1:3.1

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· Dec 4
Error importing XSD

I'm attempting to import all the FHIR XSD files provided by but get the immediate and unhelpful error message:

I've tried different versions of EOLs to no avail. Any idea what this error could mean?

Here's the XSD I'm trying to import:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc
All rights reserved.

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When making calls through the Dev Portal, we have observed that port 8003 is being used in the construction of URLs, as demonstrated in the attached image. However, requests should be directed to port 8000. This behavior consistently results in the error shown in the image.

Is it possible to change the port generated in the URL?

About Kong Version

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