I need to create a routing rule where I've got to check for the value of "-" in field 5 of a repeating RQD segment, if the "-" is found in any of the RQD-5 I want to send it to a transform, if the rule doesn't find a "-" in any of the RQD-5 I want to send it to another transform.

Unfortunately we are running an older version of Ensemble and the foreach function is not available.

The other thing to add is the transforms are writing the output to a flat file so my business process is using the EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine class.

Sample message:

0 4
1 303

Hi I am trying to run a debugger in VS Code. I have the settings.json file and the launch.json file. I am trying to debug code using the attach to a process method, however when I run the debugger I get the following error.

Launch.json code


// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.

// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.

0 1
0 219
· Jul 3, 2023
Cache Studio for Windows 11

Has anyone tried loading Cache 2017 on Windows 11?

I'm working with my corporate IT department to get a version published that will work on Windows 11 desktops but I have to prove that it can be loaded before they will give me the rights to install it.

It looks like Cache 2018 is supported but we're still supporting a bunch of 2017 installations until we can begin the move to IRIS.

Meanwhile the new laptops are all being issued with Windows 11 and the installers are all blocked by corporate.

0 5
0 306

Based on your experience, do you know any reason why IRIS would enter a deadlock/hang state ?

When such thing occurs, it's no more possible to connect to Portal or Studio, despite IRIS service (IRIS.EXE processes) being still active. CPU/memory/network usage are usually very low (eg: it does not occurs because server is overloaded). The only fix is a full restart of IRIS (eg: by clicking on IRIS icon in notification toolbar and choosing appropriate action).

0 6
0 218

Hi Community,

Please give me an example on how to configure email alerting based on the rules and send out emails accrordingly.

As a message comes into the business service component I want to check specific fields and if a field for example active = true i want to send it to a different email and if active = false I want to send it to a different email as well.

Guide me on how to accomplish this requirement and let me know if InterSystems uses a default SMTP server or I must have that server in place.


0 8
0 202

Hi all,
I am using ExecDirect() method to execute my SQL query which is something like "SELECT * from Account where AccountNumber = ? "
But when I am providing a accountnumber that don't exists it doesn't return anything as aspected. while I am trying to check resultset.%SQLCODE in this case it is giving me 0 not 100. What's wrong with my SQL query and Also I there any other Property through which I check for if my resultset is null or it has some values.

0 2
0 220

In show Query messages in the message viewer the head.%Id is always used. How do you do this via your own sql/objectscript as fast as the portal does a search as using dates searching Ens.MessageHeader on portal is slow.

For instance if you try do a search saying (TimeProcessed >='2023-06-01 00:00:00.000' and TimeProcessed <'2023-06-02 00:00:00.000') it is slow but using the portal the search would know this is head.%ID >= 5344549861 AND head.%ID <= 5347641372. How do you utilize this in your own queries as can't see the logic in EnsPortal.MsgFilter.Assistant

0 3
1 181

I'm having trouble adjusting the protocol used for any CSP Requests. Currently all request to the system are sent over HTTP 1.1

When loading 40+ images on a page, the browser starts stalling request. According to google HTTP 1.1 only allows 6 parallel TCP Connections before suspending the remaining.

I have looked through the Web Gateway Settings, %Net.HttpRequest.HTTPVersion and SSL Configuration but haven't found anything.

0 7
0 227


Am just plain curious about how people may be approaching this area.

The Question

The %SYSTEM.License API wraps an IRIS key that is specific to a range of InterSystems products with

  • Platform features
  • Platform behaviors
  • Expiry date
  • Capacity / Usage limits

If a company is implementing deployed products that:

  • run on top of IRIS
  • optionally support other vendor IRIS products

For example:

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0 186
· Jun 23, 2023

Hi Community,

I need to convert date 1997-08-09 10:38:39.700000000 into this format 1997-08-09T10:38:39Z

I have tried using all date function $ZDH,$ZDT no luck can anyone help me to convert this into required format.



1 5
0 266

Hi all

I need to do hardware maintenance on a physical HealthConnect server which forms one half of a mirrored pair, and It will require multiple restarts.

So, I will need to prevent any HealthConnect services from restarting until all maintenance is completed. Is this just a case of disabling the service "HealthConnect Controller for <SERVERNAME>", or is there anything else I need to be aware of?


0 2
0 152

We are trying to come up with huge DataStore which needs to store HIPAA transactions and Data getting partitioned with idkey - YYYYMM. Current Live data get inserted into current Month DB - HIPAA_202306. 10 years (Hipaa retention policy) old data is going to be sitting in to 120 DBs ( 201606_HIPAA, 201607... 202305) for historical audit legal compliance purposes.

Currently if we create Namespace we get 2 databases - CODEDB for routes/classes & DATADB for journals data.

0 7
0 319

Hi All,
I was creating a unit test directory with the below script. But it not creating any directory as mentioned in code. I am working on MacBook with irisusr User as standard installation process.

if '$data(^UnitTestRoot) {

set mainFolder = "UnitTest\NewDir\"

set st = ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(mainFolder _ testSuite)

if $$$ISOK(st) { set ^UnitTestRoot = mainFolder }

else {

write !, "UnitTestRoot folder could not be created. Consult with instructor."

do $system.Status.DisplayError(st)



0 2
0 174

Hi Community,

I would like to know how I can query a list of patients that were revoked on HealthShare for the month of April and May.

Messages are sent using FHIR and a revoke is handled with active:false as seen below. A non-revocation will have active: true on the patient resource.

I wanted to check SQL tables but I am not sure which one to check if so. Please advise on how to go about getting this report.


0 0
0 119

Getting INVALID OREF error while unit testing. Also ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size() these are working fine getting 7 value from both. but still it is not working.

do $$$AssertEquals(ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size(), "Validation for Headers")

error - INVALID OREF>TestAccountSearchWithoutAccount+6

0 1
0 198

Hi All,

I am trying to execute my SQL query using ExecDirect() method and it returns a ResultSet. No doubt it works fine after this I am trying to fetch each value using a loop code below. But before that, I am also checking for %SQLCODE = 100 which is for an empty resultset I think. However, It is not working as desired. In the case of an empty resultset also I am getting %SQLCODE = 0 until result.%Next() is called. Also, %ROWCOUNT is giving 0 in a case where my query is return 1 result row. I am so confused about this.
while resultset.%Next() {

// code


0 4
0 163

Has anyone come across a good using Embedded Python to convert a Python List object to an IRIS %List object?

My use case is I want to open an SQL entry with an Objectscript class method, then pass some information from that row into a separate Python class method which will then create a Python List object, then have the Python class method return that list back to the Objectscript class method in such a way that the Python List can be converted to an IRIS %List object for me to then use in the Objectscript code.

0 3
0 208