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Member since Oct 5, 2020
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Hi Paul

We have similar requirement at East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. We would like to route HL7 v2.4 MDM messages to MESH. On a high level we are looking for following:-

1) Trust need to get a MESH server running, register with MESH etc..


2) Ensemble to Map MDM^T02 message content into “Kettering XML”


3) Ensemble puts KetteringXML file into a MESH “Data” file. Ensemble creates a MESH “ControlFile”


4) Drop Data file and Control File into MSH server outbox


5) Optionally check MESH Inbox folder for ACK messages


Wondering your package can help us to develop above in Ensemble\HealthShare? We would be doing the development work in HS 2017.2.




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