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Member since May 6, 2019
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Minor Update for:

Managed File Transfer - setup for DropBox

For DropBox you can use the free 2GB DropBox service.

Dropbox setup:

  1. Create your DropBox account
  2. Create Your Dropbox App
    1. Click Create App
      1. Status - Development
      2. Permission Type: Full Dropbox
      3. Redirect URIs:  http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/oauth2/
    2. Take note of the App Key and App Secret
  3. Create new SSL Configuration - give it a name (eg  MFTTLSConfig )
  4. Create new MFT Configuration: http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/sec/%25CSP.UI.Portal.MFT.Connection.zen?isNew=1
    1. Connection Name: Dropbox
    2. File Management Service: Dropbox
    3. SSL/TLS - pick the one from step above ( MFTTLSConfig )
    4. Email Address: for the Dropbox account
    5. Base URL:
    6. OAuth 2.0 application name: The Name of the Dropbox App you created
    7. OAuth 2.0 client ID: <App Key> from Dropbox App
    8. OAuth 2.0 client secret: <App Secret> from Dropbox App
    9. OAuth 2.0 redirect URL: If you used the URI link above, then this should match
      1. Use TLS/SSL: UNCHECK
      2. Host Name: localhost
      3. Port: 52773
  5. From the List http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/sec/%25CSP.UI.Portal.MFT.ConnectionList.zen you should now see the new Dropbox Connection Name
    1. Click - Get Access Token
    2. Status should now be "Authorized"

Interoperability setup:


Create new Business Operations:

  1. For Documents FROM Dropbox
    1. Operation Class:  EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation
    2. Operation Name: BO.StoreLocalFile
    3. File Path: <put the local path>
    4. File Name: leave the default - as it ensures it is unique %f_%Q%!+(_a)
  2. For Documents TO Dropbox:
    1. Operation Class: EnsLib.MFT.Operation.Passthrough
    2. Operation Name: BO.StoreOnDropbox
    3. MFT Connection Name: <Connection Name from Above>
    4. Default MFT Folder: /yourfolderhere (note: it will create this folder if it does not exist)

Create new Business Services:

  1. For Documents FROM Dropbox:
    1. Service Class: EnsLib.MFT.Service.Passthrough
    2. Service Name: BS.GetDropboxFiles
    3. MFT Connection Name: <Connection Name from Above>
    4. MFT SOURCE FOLDERS: /yourfolderhere (note: this folder has to exist or it errors)
    5. Target Config Names: BO.StoreLocalFile
  2. For Documents TO Dropbox
    1. Service Class: EnsLib.File.PassthroughService
    2. Service Name: BS.SendFilesToDropBox
    3. File Path: <put local path here>
    4. File Spec: *
    5. Target Config Names: BO.StoreOnDropbox
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