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Member since Aug 2, 2017
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Hi Daniel,

I am trying to implement OAuth auth server, a client and a resource REST service.  I am using password grant type.  I want to set up delegated authentication for the OAuth client.  I have been able to get most of the setup working and am having trouble with the last part.  As per instructions, I am using %session.Login in my oauth client, but when I try to go to the resource url, the session is changing and so I cannot access the resource page.

I have tried setting groupid for the client and resource web applications, used CSPSHARE and CSPCHD.  Wondering if the trouble might be that the client application is unauthenticated, but resource application is delegated auth.

Is there any way to use delegated auth for password grant type.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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