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Member since Oct 30, 2017
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No, from what I can tell, the wizard didn't map anything 21600 related at all.  At this point in time, we are just wanting to query the data, not modify it using SQL.  In VistA, the DPT global contains a lot of needed data and so far (we are just getting started pulling this data via SQL) the wizard mapped what we need except what's in data1.  So, if nothing has been mapped for anything 21600 related at all, does that change what you've suggested here? I need to look at anything in the incrementing starting at 1, but it starts at 1 for the incrementing unique. For example, we would see:

first related set:

^DPT(1,21600,1,0)= "2222^5353"

^DPT(1,21600,2,0)= "2222^9898"

^DPT(1,21600,3,0)= "2222^7878"

then next unrelated set:

^DPT(2,21600,1,0)= "2222^1515"

^DPT(2,21600,2,0)= "2222^210000"


and we need to be able to query data1.  I hope that makes sense what we're trying to do.  We may find more that the wizard didn't map that we need so this is a good example and opportunity to learn how to add more missing subscripts.

OK, so here is how it looks:

^DPT(incrementing unique,21600,incrementing starting at 1,0)="constant^data1^^^"

The information we are interested in querying for is stored in data1.  The fields after data1 may or may not contain data but I'm not interested in them anyway but not sure if I need to do anything about them.  We already have the ^DPT global in a single class so it would be nice to just have this contained in the same class if possible.


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