i can think of two ways:
you need a table with a field that has the numbers from 1 to the maximum numbers of pieces your list can have.
If ss_note_multi_dict_1_value can consist of 10 values you need a table with 10 or more entries (one entry for each number from 1 to n).
Let's say this table is called dummy and the field counter, than your query would be
select $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',d.counter) ,a.join_to_tx_history
from your_table a cross join dummy d
where (the condition of your select) and d.counter<=10 and $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',d.counter) is not null
select $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',1),join_to_tx_history
from your_table where (the condition of your select) and $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',1) is not null
select $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',2),join_to_tx_history
from your_table where (the condition of your select) and $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',2) is not null
select $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',3),join_to_tx_history
from your_table where (the condition of your select) and $piece(a.ss_note_multi_dict_1_value,',',3) is not null
I hope this helps.
i think your looking for this:
Select ID, name, processedDate, processedTime From MYprocesses where NewQty is not null group by name,processedDate having processedTime=max( processedTime %FOREACH(name,processedDate))