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Member since Jul 25, 2019
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Hi Michael,

I think the classpath is correct since it contains 2 required jar files.  I don't think it is because you Download Docker or connect to Cache instance. Furthermore, if it is only a warning and you are still able to run the code, it is OK.

The issue you face I guess that you run the command in the wrong directory in the Learning Labs. Could you try to run these commands in your Lab?

  • cd /home/project/quickstarts-multimodel-java/src
  • javac -cp ".:../lib/intersystems-jdbc-3.0.0.jar:../lib/intersystems-xep-3.0.0.jar"
  • java -cp ".:../lib/intersystems-xep-3.0.0.jar:../lib/intersystems-jdbc-3.0.0.jar" multimodelQS

Thank you. 

If it does not help, in the ticket that you submit to Online Training, could you please attach a screenshot on what errors you encounter, and what commands that you used? 


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