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Member since Jan 30, 2020
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  • Checking for dead peers

Keepalive can tell you when another peer becomes unreachable without the risk of false-positives. In fact, if the problem is in the network between two peers, the keepalive action is to wait some time and then retry, sending the keepalive packet before marking the connection as broken.

  • Preventing  disconnection due to Network Inactivity

The most likely cause of this issue is a firewall timeout rule. Once the channel is open, wait until an event occurs and then communicate this to the other peer. Our connection has its scope, but it's unknown to the proxy. So when we finally send data, the proxy isn't able to correctly handle it, and the connection breaks up.Because the normal implementation puts the connection at the top of the list when one of its packets arrives and selects the last connection in the queue when it needs to eliminate an entry, periodically sending packets over the network is a good way to always be in a polar position with a minor risk of deletion.

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