Hi Katherine,
Our page is custom only in layout and the message is return of the Caché.
I checked the audit log for login and login failure events, and shows this:
9 | 2018-07-13 13:50:33.749 | %System | %Login | Logout | 10388 | 4yM9pLPnE4 | cache.user | /csp/application/ Session end |
10 | 2018-07-13 13:50:32.875 | %System | %Login | Login | 1490 | 4yM9pLPnE4 | cache.user | /csp/application/ login |
11 | 2018-07-13 13:50:24.474 | %System | %Login | LoginFailure | 21532 | zdLzeDMmcj | cache.user | /csp/application login failure |
12 | 2018-07-13 13:49:39.865 | %System | %Login | Logout | 25316 | Ai7zeADmrW | cache.user | /csp/application/ Session end |
13 | 2018-07-13 13:49:38.988 | %System | %Login | Login | 21532 | Ai7zeADmrW | cache.user | /csp/application/ login |
The massage of the LoginFairue is:
Error message: Invalid password CSP Application: /csp/application Authentication: Password |
for list all my user's groups , I executed this:
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ad.com.local")
s Status=##class(%SYS.LDAP).SimpleBinds(LD,"CN=adminUser,OU=ServicesUsers,OU=IHP,DC=domain,DC=ad","password")
s Filter="sAMAccountname=richard.roeder"
s Attributes=$lb("memberof")
s BaseDN="DC=domain,DC=ad"
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$zhex("02"),Filter,Attributes,0,"","",10,50,.SearchResult)
s CurrentEntry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s ObjectClass=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValues(LD,CurrentEntry,"memberof")
f i=1:1:$ll(ObjectClass) w !!,$lg(ObjectClass,i)_";"

This function does not help me.
I need something contrary to this, where I inform what index should be used