Question Nirshanthini Ku... · Oct 24, 2023 EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter - Getting the row count for Select Query We would like to know how to get the Row Count of the SELECT query. We query external database via ODBC connection. //tSQL- is a select query. Set tStatus = ..Adapter.ExecuteQuery(.tResult,tSQL) We are trying to get the row count of the retrieved records as below; but It doesn't return any value. tResult.%ROWCOUNT $$$TRACE("Result set returned with "_tResult.%ROWCOUNT_" row(s).") #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 260
Question Nirshanthini Ku... · Mar 23, 2022 SQL Outbound Adapter - Execute Procedure call returns null/undefined for Output value. We have a stored procedure with one input parameter and one input/output parameter. declare @hl7message nvarchar(max) = 'Pass the hl7 message here',@output nvarchar(max); EXEC sp_InsertHl7 @hl7message, @outputresult = @output OUTPUT;print @output; @output value will be "Pass" or "Fail" Below code is inserting the HL7 successfully into the target DB, but not returning the output value as expected. #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 534