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Member since Nov 22, 2017
Thanks Marc..
The DTL is set to Copy mode but the Schema from the source is customized. There are no drop downs for the PID 13 field.
The incoming message carries the phone number in PID 13.1 and email address in PID 13.4. If I put a "" it automatically empties the PID 13 field. I'm looking to get rid of the email address only and keep just the phone number.
PID|1||098456||PRINCESS^TUMBELINA^^^^||19011201|F||W|4382 POTATO DRIVE^^SUGARLAND^TX^74845^^^^980||7839854885^^^LILKIM5@OUTLOOK.COM|||S|NON|||||||||||||N|
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Thanks Sean..
I tried plugging in your code but its giving me an error message 'PhoneNumber(1).phonenumber is invalid'