Question Warren Hornsby · Apr 26, 2018 Sync problems on startup Often, the first time I start up Eclipse (Atelier plug-in), all of my local classes indicate "warning" as if they are out-of-sync. When I try to synchronize, I get the following error:Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registered 0 4 0 655
Question Warren Hornsby · Feb 9, 2018 Link with Editor on Atelier Explorer view Can you make the "Link with Editor" option work on the Atelier Explorer view? (It works fine on the Project Explorer view.) It seems a minor fix but it would mean a lot to us developers! Thank you #Development Environment 0 4 0 282
Question Warren Hornsby · Sep 29, 2017 Mysterious version conflicts on creating project When I create a project and pull in files from the server, certain files (BPLs and DTLs) aren't synchronized, and when I try to sync them (without making any changes) I get a Resolve Version Conflict screen, with differences between the local copy and server copy. Sometimes the Parameters are in different places, or the Storage will be on top of one and on the bottom of the other, and sometimes the server copy will flat out have lines that aren't in the local copy at all. #Development Environment 0 2 0 308
Question Warren Hornsby · Sep 19, 2017 Excluding folders from Atelier validation Is it possible to exclude certain folders from validating (i.e. generating errors/warnings in the Problems tab)? For example, I have *.js files from ckeditor and jquery libraries that are generating multiple errors that I'd like to suppress. #Development Environment 0 2 0 306