go to post Shawn McCartt · Aug 30, 2017 The requirement to alter the failure timeout was dropped in favor of just retrying indefinitely, so I went with the following solution for the dynamic retry interval and alert grace period:Added new settings to the BPL for the retry interval and alert grace period to use for the different error typesWhen error is detected, modify the RetryInterval and AlertRetryGracePeriod on the current process to use the new values. <if name="" condition='(context.LogonResponse.LogonResult [ "No sessions are currently available")'><true><code name='' xpos='200' ypos='350' ><![CDATA[ $$$TRACE("LogonResponse.LogonResult indicates all sessions are used [" _ context.LogonResponse.LogonResult _ "]") set context.ExceptionString = $$$ERRNOAVAILABLESESSION set %Ensemble("%Process").RetryInterval = %Ensemble("%Process").RetryNoSessionAvailableInterval set %Ensemble("%Process").AlertRetryGracePeriod = %Ensemble("%Process").AlertNoSessionAvailableGracePeriod set status = $System.Status.Error( context.ExceptionString,"no session is available") ]]></code></true></if><if name="" condition='(context.LogonResponse.LogonResult [ "System Unavailable")'><true><code name='' xpos='200' ypos='350' ><![CDATA[ $$$TRACE("LogonResponse.LogonResult indicates system is offline [" _ context.LogonResponse.LogonResult _ "]") set context.ExceptionString = $$$ERRSYSTEMUNAVAILABLE set %Ensemble("%Process").RetryInterval = %Ensemble("%Process").RetrySystemUnavailableInterval set %Ensemble("%Process").AlertRetryGracePeriod = %Ensemble("%Process").AlertSystemUnavailableGracePeriod set status = $System.Status.Error( context.ExceptionString,"no session is available") ]]></code></true></if>