go to post James Casazza · Feb 19, 2024 I know the Escape Logic works; that is not the issue. When I use the Escape Logic in increases the string length when I update the table. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way so that Escape logic doesn't get counted as part of the string length
go to post James Casazza · Jan 24, 2024 Hello Robert - The use of TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP is to not have to know what the specific date format is on the Source Database. If TO_DATE & TO_TIMESTAMP cannot be used, is there another method I could use that does the same thing? I have no issues getting the date; just how to format it and send it so it is not a specific date format that could change.
go to post James Casazza · Jan 23, 2024 I could, but I'd rather have the date format work for any environment and not hardcoded. I understand TO_DATE & TO_TIMESTAMP is an SQL Function but thought there might be something else to perform this functionality here.
go to post James Casazza · Aug 24, 2021 Why SCALE=4? Wouldn't that fix 4 decimal placement? I'm am looking for a SCALE that will allow any number with any decimal placement.
go to post James Casazza · Aug 24, 2021 I have a link generator written that is reading Source (Oracle) tables and that uses the %Library.ResultSet class. for each it gets column name, type, maxsize, precision, lais, readonly, required & data type name and builds Cache Linked Table. Are you referring to this logic where I need to apply scale? I do not see any SCALE references in logic. if (jdbc) { s rs= ##class(%Library.ResultSet).%New("%GTWCatalog:SQLFieldsJ") } else { s rs= ##class(%Library.ResultSet).%New("%GTWCatalog:SQLFields") } s sc = rs.Execute(gateway, table, schema) if ($$$ISERR(sc)) { d $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) quit sc } s tname = schema _ "." _ table s cols = "" while rs.Next() { s externalcolumnname=rs."COLUMN_NAME", columnname = externalcolumnname, columntype=rs.DATATYPE, columnmaxsize=rs."COLUMN_SIZE", columnprecision=rs."DECIMAL_DIGITS", columnalias="" /* defaults to externalcolumnname */, readonly=0 /* hardcoded */, required='rs.NULLABLE, notused="", datatypename=rs."DATATYPE_NAME" if prikey="",(externalcolumnname["_cd")!(externalcolumnname["_id") SET prikey=externalcolumnname s col=$LTS($LB( externalcolumnname, columnname, columntype, columnmaxsize, columnprecision, columnalias, readonly, 'required, notused, datatypename ),"^") s cols = cols_$LB(col) } s cols=$LTS(cols,"@") d rs.Close()
go to post James Casazza · Aug 24, 2021 Hi Robert, When I review the existing DDL Mapping for NUMBER, the datatype states: %Library.Numeric(SCALE=0) This does not make any sense my generated SQL Table code(.cls & .int) is validating with EXTERNALSQLTYPE=2 and $isvalidnum(%val,2,,) I thought SCALE=0 allowed any decimal value but it appears somewhere else there is logic that is defaulting this SCALE to 2.
go to post James Casazza · Aug 23, 2021 Thanks Robert - I'm not using IRIS but Cache with JDBC. Also, with the %Library.Numeric parameter Scale, how and where do I implement it? Can a system wide setting be set for this control?
go to post James Casazza · May 17, 2020 After discussing this with Intersystems, they stated that the existing Cache Object Methods and/or SQL Queries do not change when switching from an ODBC to JDBC connection, which was my main concern. After switching, though, I had to recompile/regenerate the SQL Object Classes to change to the new SQL Gateway being used. So thanks everyone for responding. All is working and I appreciate your input & help!
go to post James Casazza · May 14, 2020 Just using Cache, not IRIS so no Interoperability. The Object Script I'm using for ODBC is both in SQL Queries and Cache Object Classes. I think using JDBC will be faster having multiple JDBC SQL Gateways. Just trying to find an example of someone having a external Database with JDBC using Cache Object Script.
go to post James Casazza · May 13, 2020 Hello Kevin Chan, I know how to setup jdbc in SQL Gateway; that is not the Question. The Question is can I code in Cache Object Script to an external Oracle database using jdbc SQL Gateway in place? And if I can, do you or anyone else have examples of doing this. I have Cache Object Script working with an External Oracle database using ODBC but wanted to see how to do this (or replace this) with jdbc?