go to post Randy Shaw · Apr 29, 2022 SELECT TOP 1 AVG(main.age) AS _Average,min(main.age) AS _Min, CASE WHEN %vid = count(main.age)/2 THEN main.age else 0 END+MAX(CASE WHEN %vid = count(main.age)/2 THEN main.age else 0 END) AS _Median, max(main.age) AS _Max FROM ( SELECT TOP all a.Age FROM Sample.Person a ORDER BY a.Age ) main
go to post Randy Shaw · Oct 14, 2017 I am not sure there is a logical way for those tables to be joined. But for syntax purposes here is a query that works although, as mentioned, illogically. SELECT* FROM (SELECT * FROM Sample.Employee e LEFT JOIN Sample.Company c ON c.ID=e.Company) gJOIN Sample.Vendor v ON g.Company=v.Vendor