Hello Ron
I am using dbtable only
final_result = (spark.read.format("jdbc")\
.option("url", jdbcUrl)
.option("driver", "com.intersystems.jdbc.IRISDriver")
.option("dbtable", f"({sql}) as temp;")
.option("user", user)
.option("password", password)
This works fine until I add one specific column from the same table, when I add that column I get following error
< Input (;) encountered after end of query
using - intersystems-jdbc-3.8.0.jar
Kindly help
I have 2 questions if you could help
1 ) Do we need ";" in the end or it is not required
.option("dbtable", "(SELECT TOP 3 name,category,review_point FROM SQLUser.scotch_reviews) AS temp_table;")
2) This JDBC works fine until I add one specific column in my query, when I add that column I get following error
[%msg: < Input (;) encountered after end of query
Kindly help.