The problem is if i get the gmheap from IRIS Terminal the log output is in Unicode-UTF format and it is cautins trouble while reading from Ansible. Actually we are working on some automation kind of work to install and configure IRIS. So, we are using Ansible and PS/Python to interact with Windows OS and IRIS to set/modify Windows/IRIS related configurations and do some additional tasks based on the values that we get from Windows OS/IRIS. But what ever values we get from IRIS through terminal comes in Unicode UTF8 format and ansible is not recognizing the format for us (may be we need to explore in Ansible). But, do we have any method where we can ask terminal to give the output in normal text format. 

  1. I gave the statement like this and the corresponding error as below –

    imptask = dbnative.classMethodValue('%SYS.Task','ImportTasks',"F:\Zbackup\LISBackupTask.xml","ck")


RuntimeError: server error 1217 <THROW> [ERROR_GENERAL_SERVER]


  1. I gave the statement like this and the corresponding error as below –

imptask = dbnative.classMethodValue('%SYS.Task','ImportTasks',"F\:\\Zbackup\\LISBackupTask\.xml","ck")




I am using IRIS Version as below -

IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2023.1.2 (Build 450_0_23065U) Thu Dec 28 2023 14:31:25 EST [Health:5.1.0-1.m1] 

and Native driver - i have downloaded the whl file "irisnative-1.0.0-cp34.cp35.cp36.cp37.cp38.cp39-none-win_amd64.whl" from GitHub

Hi Enrico,

print("Importing LIS Backup Task")

imptask = dbnative.classMethodValue('%SYS.Task','ImportTasks(FileName = "F:\ZBackup\LISBackupTask.xml",qspec = "d")')

print("After Import LIS Backup Task: ",imptask)

The Python iterpreter is not executing the print statement after ImportTasks statement. MEans, the execution is not moving further and program is just coming out. Could be some method usage might be wrong. Plese let me know if i am doing any mistake or any other way i should provide the task details. 


I tried updating the python script like below -

import irisnative

hostname = ""
port = 1972
namespace = "%SYS" #change the namespace based on situation
username = "_SYSTEM"
password = "xxxxxxxx"
connection = irisnative.createConnection(hostname, port, namespace, username, password)
dbnative = irisnative.createIris(connection)

cfg=dbnative.classMethodValue('Config.config', 'Open')


and i am getting the below error when i attempting to run python -

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'

i tried methog gmheapGet() for the property gmheap but i am not getting any output. This Config.config is persistent class and SQL table. is that is the reason 'classmethovalue' not working? the same code worked for getting %system.config.sharedmemoryheap.recommendedsize.