Hi Brendan,

I wanted to use it to have an index not based on the Keys. Finally, I've solved it by storing the values as Array Of %String, and into the string I got the values separated by # so I can access them via $p. And using as a array key what I needed to be indexed.

It works quite well :-)

Thanks anyway for reporting it :-)

Hi Robert,

Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough... customers can't reach the port:

$ telnet xxxxxxx.com 53773
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

When I ask my Systems&Network department they say that IRIS is only "listening" to localhost (, and that's the reason we cannot reach the port.

My understanding is that IRIS is bound to l0 interface instead to eth0. Am I completely wrong here?

I answer myself, in case someone is in the same issue.

WRC response was:
The short answer is that unfortunately there is no stand-alone kit for Atelier, as it is distributed only as a plug-in for Eclipse, and as such it follows the official Eclipse distribution mechanism.

But they gave me a few hints. Finally, I downloaded all the atelier package using wget from another computer, zipped it, copied to the computer and have it installed as local zip package. Worked like a charm :-)