Question William Beetge · Feb 28, 2019 Inserting into table array of objects property via SQL I have an existing table, and I've added an array property to it that I need to populate.The issue is that I can only use SQL to insert into the table due to access reasons.For example:Class Package.Tables.Person Extends %Persistent{Property Name As %String(MAXLEN = "");Property Address As Array of Package.Datatypes.Address;} #Caché 0 1 0 470
Question William Beetge · Jan 17, 2018 Atelier Dark theme HiHas anyone managed to get a dark theme (Like Darcula or Obsidian) working on the Atelier plugin. The Eclipse themes apply to everything in the IDE except the editor window, so it kind of defeats the purpose. I've tried searching for one but so far no luck. I know you can set each colour individually in the settings but I'd like a single config I can load if possible.Thanks #Development Environment #Eclipse 1 11 0 1.3K
Question William Beetge · Jul 10, 2017 Creating a scheduled operation Hi allI require an operation that will get a list of hosts every X minutes and call them, using values from my database.The only issue is that I can't find any sort of scheduling/ timed event functionality in Ensemble. The documentation isn't particularly helpful so I thought I'd give the community a shot.Is there any existing functionality in Ensemble that allows for scheduled operation calls?Thanks #Ensemble 0 2 0 357