I believe these are all the Cache based products

  • HealthShare Information Exchange  is latest version is 2018.1 
  • HealthShare Health Insight 2019.1
  • HealthShare Patient Index 2019.1
  • HealthShare Personal Community 2019.1
  • HealthShare Provider Directory 2019.1
  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2019.1


These are the IRIS based products

  • InterSystems IRIS Health Connect 2019.1 
  • InterSystems IRIS for Health 2019.1


I  think you need to contact your sales engineer for an eval licence.

I believe these are all the Cache based products

  • HealthShare Information Exchange  is latest version is 2018.1 
  • HealthShare Health Insight 2019.1
  • HealthShare Patient Index 2019.1
  • HealthShare Personal Community 2019.1
  • HealthShare Provider Directory 2019.1
  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2019.1


These are the IRIS based products

  • InterSystems IRIS Health Connect 2019.1 
  • InterSystems IRIS for Health 2019.1


I  think you need to contact your sales engineer for an eval licence.

I'm interested in this question.
Our team has historically been using the export tool in Caché Studio IDE, but I've started experimenting with the Portal Export/Deploy functionalionality.

With respect to the Portal Export/Deploy functionalionality:
Pro's: Rollback (but I've never used it)
Cons': What is included by default when exporting is not what you might expect. (It is easy to shoot yourself in the foot)

We are only using the 'Ensemble' components of HealthShare(HealthConnect), we have not started using the Healthshare specific functionality.


We use the gender codes M,F,U & I all the time in HL7v2, both on Ensemble, and since we migrated to HealthShare.  

The 'New Features in Health Connect 15.03' page of the documenation also mention that SDA has followed CDA and added 'BirthGender'(clinically relevant in some situations for care of LGBTQ+ patients).

Kind regards, 


PS: I can't speak for TrakCare as we don't use that product.

>Could you provide more information on what you want to do with the PDF?

Newer vendors want to interface with the FHIR standard, but older systems are typically using Filedrops or HL7v2.4 MDM^T01 to send PDF documents.  I'm being asked to forward documents from old systems to new systems, hence the necessity to create FHIR interfaces.


The 'About Health Connect FHIR® Support' in the inbuilt HealthConnect documentation states 'The FHIR object model: Implements all FHIR DSTU 2 (1.0.2) resources.', but makes no mention of FHIR STU 3: http://your-server-here:57772/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=FOVW_fhir#FOVW_fhir_intro

Please note the Health Connect product page specifically states it supports FHIR STU3:

‘In addition to supporting FHIR STU3 and DSTU2, Health Connect conforms to IHE standards and supports HL7 Version 2, HL7 Version 3, CDA® and CCD®, C-CDA®, DICOM, X12, ADHA (Australia), ASTM, DMP (France), EDIFACT, ITK (United Kingdom), NCPDP, and xDT (Germany).’ [https://community.intersystems.com/post/fhir-documentationtutorials#comment-61731]

The article Recommendations on installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for production environment  has some code that does this.

My comment  has a class that only deletes old backups as a scheduled task.

Kind regards,


Class App.PurgeOldBackupFiles Extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Property BackupsToKeep As %Integer(MAXVAL = 30, MINVAL = 1) [ InitialExpression = 30, Required ];

Property BackupFolder As %String [ Required ];

Property BackupFileType As %String [ Required ];

Method OnTask() As %Status
//s BackupsToKeep = 2
//s Folder = "c:\backupfolder"
//s BackupFileType = "FullAllDatabases" // or "FullDBList"

SortOrder = "DateModified"

If ..BackupsToKeep<1 Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - Number of Backups to Keep must be greater than or equal to 1")
If ..BackupFolder="" Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - BackupFolder - not supplied")
if ..BackupFileType = "" Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - BackupFileType - not supplied")
if (..BackupFileType '= "FullAllDatabases")&&(..BackupFileType '= "FullDBList") Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - BackupFileType")

     k zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType)
     Set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Library.File:FileSet")
     w !,"backuplist",!

     s BackupFileWildcard = ..BackupFileType _ "*.cbk"
     set status=rs.Execute(..BackupFolder, BackupFileWildcard, SortOrder)
     WHILE rs.Next() {
          Set FullFileName=rs.Data("Name")
          Set FName=##class(%File).GetFilename(FullFileName)
          Set FDateTime=##class(%File).GetFileDateModified(FullFileName)
          w "File "_FName_" "_FDateTime,!
          Set FDate=$PIECE(FDateTime,",")
          Set CDate=$PIECE($H,",")
          s BackupCount=$I(BackupCount)
          s zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType, BackupCount)=FullFileName 
     s zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType, "BackupCount")=BackupCount
     do rs.Close()
     if BackupCount > ..BackupsToKeep {
          for i=1:1:BackupCount-..BackupsToKeep {
               s FullFileName = zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType, i)
               d ##class(%File).Delete(FullFileName)
               w "File Purged "_FullFileName_" Purged",!
     q status


Great article

I found this too...

The Caché DBMS comes with several pre-configured backup jobs, but they didn’t always work for me. Every time I needed something particular for a project, it wasn’t there in “out-of-the-box” jobs. In one project, I had to automate the control over the number of backup copies with an option of automatic purging of the oldest ones.

I thought I'd share the class we use - this only deletes old backups

Class App.PurgeOldBackupFiles Extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Property BackupsToKeep As %Integer(MAXVAL = 30, MINVAL = 1) [ InitialExpression = 30, Required ];

Property BackupFolder As %String [ Required ];

Property BackupFileType As %String [ Required ];

Method OnTask() As %Status
     //s BackupsToKeep = 2
     //s Folder = "c:\backupfolder"
     //s BackupFileType = "FullAllDatabases" // or "FullDBList"

SortOrder = "DateModified"

     If ..BackupsToKeep<1 Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - Number of Backups to Keep must be greater than or equal to 1")
     If ..BackupFolder="" Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - BackupFolder - not supplied")
     if ..BackupFileType = "" Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - BackupFileType - not supplied")
     if (..BackupFileType '= "FullAllDatabases")&&(..BackupFileType '= "FullDBList") Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Invalid - BackupFileType")

     k zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType)
     Set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Library.File:FileSet")
     w !,"backuplist",!

     s BackupFileWildcard = ..BackupFileType _ "*.cbk"
     set status=rs.Execute(..BackupFolder, BackupFileWildcard, SortOrder)
     WHILE rs.Next() {
          Set FullFileName=rs.Data("Name")
          Set FName=##class(%File).GetFilename(FullFileName)
          Set FDateTime=##class(%File).GetFileDateModified(FullFileName)
          w "File "_FName_" "_FDateTime,!
          Set FDate=$PIECE(FDateTime,",")
          Set CDate=$PIECE($H,",")
          s BackupCount=$I(BackupCount)
          s zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType, BackupCount)=FullFileName 
     s zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType, "BackupCount")=BackupCount
     do rs.Close()
     if BackupCount > ..BackupsToKeep {
          for i=1:1:BackupCount-..BackupsToKeep {
               s FullFileName = zPurgeOldBackupFiles(..BackupFileType, i)
               d ##class(%File).Delete(FullFileName)
               w "File Purged "_FullFileName_" Purged",!
     q status


Whitelist for Atelier.

  • *.eclipse.org
  • atelier.artifactoryonline.com  (soon to be retired)
  • atelier.jfrog.io  (new domain for *.artifactoryonline.com domains)

This might be help if (like me) you work at a hospital with very strict network security.  Without whitelisting these domains for my team, the proxy (Trend) detects the JVM binaries and automatically blocks traffic.

The kind staff at the WRC helped me with this question. (WRC staff are amazing)