go to post Stephen Canzano · Apr 6, 2017 You would have to completely log off to see the settings take effect. If you change this setting after already signed in the client knows you are in plain mode but the server does not. It is during the process of signing in the server polls the terminal and determines this setting.
go to post Stephen Canzano · Mar 23, 2017 Why not consider using an Ensemble DTL to do this? Your use case many not be specific to Ensemble but I've used DTLs to do this for instances like you describe.
go to post Stephen Canzano · Mar 3, 2017 You may want to consider reading up on SPLITANDMERGE http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=... which is designed to address large reports. "The PDF output for a very large report may exceed the memory restrictions of the FOP rendering engine. In this case, you can split the report into several smaller sections. Each section is written to disk as a separate temporary file, and merged into a single PDF file once the entire report has been processed. "Looking at your xml structure you may be able to define the repeating element to be <GrItems>. Note while I do not believe you are including page numbers in your ReportDisplay, but if you do I do believe it does not produce the desired result when using SPLITANDMERGE.