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Member since Dec 14, 2023
Here is a sample code
$$$ThrowOnError(tUtils.CreateCMSStream(tContent,tCertFileName, tKeyFileName, tPassPhrase, .tStream)) //the stream is initialized in CreateCMSStream
zwrite tStream
set tStream.Filename = "C:\Users\sdevin\Documents\DEV\iris-pkcs7-util\misc\out\test.cms"
set tsc = tStream.%Save()
zw tsc
zw tsc2
zwrite tStream
And here is where I create the stream
Method ConvertStringToStream(pString, Output pStream As %Stream.FileBinary) As %Status
set pStream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
do pStream.Write(pString)
do pStream.Rewind()
return pStream
convertStreamToString is the last instruction of CreateCMSStream
Thanks it work.
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Thanks, The existing part got me. I will check if the file exist beforehand and create it otherwhise