go to post Larry Pinsky · Jan 20, 2021 Thank you Marc. The pool size confused me because the help states for business operations it should be 1. Is there a max that this should not be over? And does it affect the processing of the server (using up more memory, etc). And now that I re-read the help, it states 1 is the default value.
go to post Larry Pinsky · Feb 28, 2020 That was the problem. Many thanks, Robert. Who would have thought you cannot put context variables in the SQL?
go to post Larry Pinsky · Feb 6, 2020 1. Luckily, no. This workflow will be instantiated after both files have been received. 2. It's actually more than just tracking number. Serial number, part number and a few others. The tracking file will contain data for all POs in the main file. 3. The tracking file will be named the same thing daily, containing tracking information for all POs in the main file. There are not multiple files (for either one).
go to post Larry Pinsky · Oct 21, 2019 I am using EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation in order to create a JSON call and send a file located on my server. I am not using a Business Operation; just sending the file direct from the Business Service.
go to post Larry Pinsky · Mar 22, 2017 Thank you Pete. I did what you wrote above, but still get the error when I run s st2 = ssh.AuthenticateWithUsername.... I looked at the TraceMask file, but it means nothing to me. I will go ahead and open a WRC ticket. Thanks.