go to post Ilenia Centonze · Feb 4 Hi, I think that this QA should resolve your problem Remove delimiters which hold not present values in a HL7 message, using a.
go to post Ilenia Centonze · Mar 4, 2024 Ciao Enrico, grazie. I need to receive a POST with a Bundle message that may be very large and unpredictable in size. If I choose to ask the client to send me several messages that belong to the same topic, can I track "how many pieces" the message was split into?Thanks :)
go to post Ilenia Centonze · Nov 21, 2023 Yes, It is the right scenario. A new Z-segment could be an option. Do you have any experience in using NTE instead for that use case?Thank you Enrico !
go to post Ilenia Centonze · Nov 8, 2023 I totally agree with you. And, it works also for administrative resources/archetypes and clinical ones. These standards can cooperate for an high quality interoperability solution.
go to post Ilenia Centonze · Oct 17, 2023 I usually use this for FHIR resource id, it is a global unique uid and lower case: w $zconvert($system.Util.CreateGUID(),"l")
go to post Ilenia Centonze · Oct 13, 2023 Hi! It seems that your SwaggerClass has not been imported/compiled or it has errors. Are you using VSC? Try to take a look of the console.
go to post Ilenia Centonze · Oct 13, 2023 1) The recieved bundle containing the export of the customers organizations does not know anything on id´s of a resource on the fhir server You can check in FHIR Http - FHIR v5.0.0 (hl7.org) for Conditional Reference, you can reference to another resource using a search parameter, such as identifier. 2) Logic to implement to make sure that "head" organization resources are inserted and correctly linked to "child" organizations would be quite complex. Using the previous method, you can be confident that, even if the child does not exist and the head exists they will be linked because of the conditional reference. It is needed to implement some strategies for incoming "child" that reference an Organization that is not present in the server.