Hi David

We followed the instructions in the Spark JDBC connection guide. We think the problem might have something to do with a library, but we're not sure

Below is the query:

cacheDF = spark.read \
    .format('jdbc') \
    .option('url', connectString) \
    .option("query", "select AdjudicatedSvcNum from CLAIMS.AdjudicatedSvcs") \
    .option('user', user) \
    .option('password', password) \
    .option('driver','com.intersystems.jdbc.IRISDriver') \

We followed the instructions in the Spark JDBC connection guide. We think the problem might have something to do with a library, but we're not sure

Below is the query:

cacheDF = spark.read \
    .format('jdbc') \
    .option('url', connectString) \
    .option("query", "select AdjudicatedSvcNum from CLAIMS.AdjudicatedSvcs") \
    .option('user', user) \
    .option('password', password) \
    .option('driver','com.intersystems.jdbc.IRISDriver') \