Hi all,
Basically i have 2 queries..

  1. Is there any simple way to fetch the data directly from the database (using the URL and credentials) from the csp file without creating a link table for that particular Table...??
    If there is, could you please share the syntax of using them ..?

  2. Can we have an object return type from the below mentioned method to a javascript function.. ???

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I am using the &sql () tag to retrieve the value from the Cache DB.

below is the piece of code i am using:

script language="cache" method="retrieveDetail" arguments="pVariable" returntype="%String"
&sql( select columnA,
into :tempVariable1
from TABLE
where COLUMNC = pVariable

quit tempVariable1

i have to return the ColumnA value back to the calling procedure.

can i know how it can be done ? since i am getting an javascript error.

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