Question Chris Paraskiv · Mar 20, 2017 AWS API calls This question is about calling AWS REST APIs. Based on: AWS requires REST clients to call their APIs using Signature Version 4 which in case you don't know what I am talking about is a pain in the neck. Here comes the question: Has anybody, by any chance implemented the v4 signing alg. in COS? If yes, would she or he have the kind heart to share? Thanks, Chris #AWS #REST API #Caché 0 13 1 1.5K
Question Chris Paraskiv · Mar 2, 2017 Atelier over https Can Atelier connect to an Ensemble server that only accepts https connections?How do I configure that? I did try an ssh into such server and Atelier over that but it didn't seem to work.Any suggestions?Thanks,Chris #SSL 1 3 0 404