Question Dave Lancaster · Aug 25, 2023 Writing multiple records to record mapper in DTL from a single DFT with multiple FT1's Trying to write multiple records to a file via Record Mapper from a single inbound DFT transaction with multiple FT1 segments. DTL with HL7 DFT inbound and Record Mapper outbound checks field values in both FT1 segment and PV1 segment within a "foreach" loop, and if criteria are met for a particular FT1 then the target fields in the record map are set with values from multiple segments (MSH, PID, PV1, and FT1). Currently in this setup, only the last qualifying FT1 segment's fields will write to the file (if there is more than one qualifying FT1 segment)....How can I set it up so that a ne #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 179